Skill Ambassadors support FFSC in the following key functions:
Stakeholder Engagements – Create awareness about the skill development initiatives amongst employers, learners, academia, institutions, professionals, etc. for greater outreach & impact.
Standards - Create Job Role-specific occupational standards to develop relevant curriculum, content, training delivery system, accreditation and certification processes.
Training Infrastructure - Facilitate establishment, accreditation & affiliation of Training Centres, Centres of Excellence (COE), and World Skills Academies. Conduct Training of Trainers and Training of Assessors, etc
Training Projects - Facilitate, conduct, implement & monitor various government, non-government, state-run, customized training programs.
Assessments & Certification - Conduct proper assessment & certification of the learners to ensure quality output to the industry.
Career Management - Set-up effective Skill Market Information System (SMIS) to match the Industry Demand and Skilled workforce supply.
WorldSkills Competitions - conduct various flagship programs like FFSC Skill Ambassador Program, Skilled India Talk Show, FFSC Skill Pavilion, etc., and conduct the World Skills & India Skills Competitions.