Short Term Training: (STT)
The Short-Term Training
imparted is expected to benefit candidates of Indian nationality who are either
school/college dropouts or unemployed. Apart from providing training according
to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF), TCs shall also impart
training in Soft Skills, Entrepreneurship, Financial and Digital Literacy.
Duration of the training varies as per job role. Upon successful completion of
their assessment, candidates shall be provided placement.
Recognition of Prior Learning Guidelines: (RPL)
Individuals with prior
learning experience or skills shall be assessed and certified under the
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) component of the Scheme. RPL aims to align
the competencies of the unregulated workforce of the country to the NSQF.
Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs), such as Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) or
any other agencies designated by MSDE/NSDC, shall be incentivised to implement
RPL projects.
Training of the Trainers: (TOT)
Training of Trainers (ToT)
is a program for the development of training delivery skills of those who wish
to become trainers in the sector of their preference and aligns them with the
National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).
Training of the Assessors: (TOA)
Training of Assessors (ToA)
is a program organized by FFSC which is dedicated for the assessors in the
skill eco-system. A ToA model for a new assessor covers orientation and
assessment on Domain skills and Assessment skills within a period of 6 days.ies designated by MSDE/NSDC, shall be incentivised to implement
RPL projects.
Apprenticeship training is
one of the most efficient ways to develop skilled manpower for industry by
using on the job training facilities available in the establishments without
putting any extra burden on exchequer to set up training infrastructure.
It is one of the most
important schemes in terms of quality of training, experiential learning and
the enhanced employability that it provides. It gives apprentices a real chance
to put skills into practice and helps them to gain confidence in a working environment.
Vocational Education
programs are run in the schools and colleges to provide exposure to students in
skills training. Programs like B.Voc provide opportunities for students to
explore alternative career options with apprenticeship embedded programs.